Monday, January 30, 2012

Friends Like stars

She’s learned over the past few weeks
friends like stars can shine from the
day the two meet till the day the lord calls
There are those one can count on
when the rest of the world has moved on and forgotten them
Still there are those friends like short bursts of
starlight that shine for a time and are gone in the blink of an eye
For her those friends are the ones that seem to break her heart the most but  
she tries to remember the saying “heartbreak’s a teacher”
She knows each and every friend like
each and every star has a lesson to be taught and
one to be learned
That makes them blessings to us all

So for all those friends whose starlight has burned out
she will carry the lessons you taught her within herself
Remembering them when He asks her what she’s learned in this life
For all whom have hung in with her
you hold a special place in her heart and
you always will

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Memories of a Friend

She met her in sixth grade not
knowing what lay ahead
A girl shy yet cheerful and full of life like
a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day
She made her smile at times when smiling was
the last thing she felt like doing 
Their friendship grew in record time
You never saw one without the other   
They did everything from fall in love with guys
who clearly didn’t love them back
Yes, they cried and like many girls
their age got their hearts broken a time or two
In the end they had each other and learned
boyfriends or not they would make it through  
Yet, the two of them became known as partners in crime and
were each other’s victims  
Like sisters they had each other’s backs
when the moment arose
They planned to be in one another’s lives
for many years to come but
as time often does. it set them on different paths  
She was there one moment and
gone the next

It’s the time of year she thinks of her most
She only wishes she could spend time with her now
If she had a chance she’d
give her a huge hug but
for now all she has are the memories of a friend


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cold Blooded Coward

You confessed to the killing of a woman you called “your girl” because
she found out what a cold blooded coward you really were
Linked to the disappearance of a beautiful young woman
like herself five years to the day before   
They say history repeats itself and
sadly that proved true
In the eyes of the world you are truly evil and
should have to live in a cage of steel until
Hell calls for you

You didn’t show this woman any mercy as you
starved her of life leaving her behind  as if she meant nothing
As if the daughter, sister and woman she was  
ceased to exist when she crossed your path
What gave you the right to play God with two women’s lives?
Now three women are charged with deciding your fate
If I were you I’d show them the respect they deserve
Then I’d be the man you say you are and
do the time for your crimes
Stop acting as if the world owes you something for nothing;
you little cold blooded coward

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mommy Dearest

It’s funny how some of the poems she writes are inspired bypeople she loves and some are inspired by the events of the day’s news
While you could make the case that this poem
is inspired by just such a news event  
She’ll be the first to tell you that this piece is
inspired by a deep anger she feels toward one woman    
A woman who had the honor of being named
the most hated woman in the country
She’s seeing red as she reads her internet homepage
It may as well have read the video diary of mommy dearest  
since in her opinion this woman brings a whole new meaning to the phrase   
There are a few questions she would ask her
since she’s seen the video all over facebook and HLN
Why did you not mention your daughter’s name not even once if
you are truly innocent of the charges once brought against you?

Her second and third questions might be
Do you really wish you would’ve made different
choices that day ?
Or, are you the true ice queen you appeared to be on trial?
These are a few of the questions she knows she and
others may never get true answers to
Therefore, mommy dearest go away!
She’ll tell you right now, she would give anything to have a child of her own to
cherish every second of every day   


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Behind the Makeup Mask

I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror
Does she ever look inside to find the girl behind the makeup mask?
Does she see the truth as those who will be
seeking justice  for her victim think they do?
Or, does she really believe the lies
she tells herself just to make it through?

The news reports say the girl behind the makeup mask
was driven to kill her ex-boyfriend by jealousy
Those reports also say she thought
if she couldn’t have him for herself no one would
So she stabbed him twenty-seven
times and shot him in the face

Those who are seeking justice for this man
hope death will call her name one day soon
If I could ask the girl behind the makeup mask one question it would be
Were the choices you made that day really worth your life?
I guess we’ll see in the end

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Question on His Mind

Lately every time they’ve talked he’s been joking
in a way that she admits sometimes gets under her skin
Yet she knows he does it just to see what her reaction might be
so she’s learned how to take what he says and
turn it back around on him
This game they play is usually followed by the question on his mind

What is that question you may ask?
Well, the question he always asks at the end of their game is
How do you put up with me?
This is the point at which she feels the pain from a minor heartbreak
he doesn’t know this question has just caused but
Despite this her answer is always the same and it will always be that way
as long as she can draw a breath
I love you good, bad or indifferent
You deserve to be loved just as much as anyone
So as I sit here today I promise you with all my heart  
I will do everything in my power to make sure that you are  

Even though there are times she wishes
he would tell her how he feels, minus the games
She can’t imagine her life without him in it and
for that matter she hopes she  never has to