Sunday, May 26, 2013

Behind Her Eyes

When you see her smile 
as bright as she’s been told her smile is
Do you see what’s behind her eyes?
Do you see the woman who tries with all her might
to be the daughter her mother needs
Do you see the prayers she prays not for herself but,
for those she loves
Do you see the tears she hides because
at this point in her life she knows crying is not an option

If you look deep inside past all she’s been though
you’ll see a girl who will grow up
You’ll see an eternal optimist who tries to convince
the woman behind her eyes that
everything will okay if she holds on her faith
God gave her to cope

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


There’s a fire in your eyes
I can see that the fire runs deep in your heart and soul
I see it when you talk about our lord
you light up like a firefly
I found inspiration when you lit up my world

So my dear firefly keep spreading your words and
the wisdom God gave you to keep the fire inside you burning
As you continue your flight God set you on
I hope you remember to take time to listen to
those who need you to hear them

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Clock in Her Head

Since she got the news last May a clock counting down
the months, weeks,  days, and hours of a mother’s life
found her head
She knows she should just enjoy the time God gives them, but
How does she do that when the clock in her head won’t stop ticking?

She tries to forget about the illness that threatens to
take her mother home to God
The saddest part is neither she nor the mother she loves
can ignore what is reflected back at them  in the mirror
Oh God please make the clock in her head disappear

She wants to make memories that she can hold onto
on cold nights and wrap herself in their warmth
Her mother would want that for her as well
She prays He reads this poem right from her heart and
helps her forget about the clock in her head

Friday, May 10, 2013

She Lived Her Lyrics

If you’ve listened to her songs you might get a sense as
I do that she wrote her songs from a place of experience
Her lyrics were and still are beautifully heartbreaking as
her last lyrics ever have been written and recorded

The reason I love her is she wasn’t like some country music stars who
write songs just for the purpose of them becoming hits
on the charts
Instead, she lived her lyrics and
shared them with us without shame
Just as I live and share most of the words I write

My heart broke as I heard the sad news
She felt she had to be with the ten thousand angels
she sang about all those years ago
Her star once shined so bright
I never imagined she’d fall
Yet I won’t remember the troubled Mindy
I will always remember her for
the lyrics and songs she left behind

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Beauty in the Breaking

The love of your life is gone
No explanation given
You just can’t comprehend
All you can do is sit alone feeling your heart break
as the tears begin to fall
You’re left wondering what you did to make them leave
You then ask yourself wasn’t our love strong enough to
keep them from walking out on us?

She knows how you feel
she’s seen and felt the pain you now feel
Trust her she knows it hurts like hell and
all you want is to hide from the world
so the people you love  can’t
see the scars love left behind

Now here she is asking you to listen closely
When you’re done crying
the one thing you should know is
there is beauty in the breaking of your heart
It is this beauty in the breaking that
will one day help your heart open to love again