Saturday, July 12, 2014

Your Miracle in Motion

As tears of pain fall from my eyes and
the heart you gave me breaks 
I sit here still knowing that I am and always will be
your miracle in motion
Just like all your children are

I can't see your purpose for my life yet because
The tears you'll one day wipe away
are now stinging my eyes
even though these tears continue to flow
I still remain eternally grateful to you
Thank you for the highs and lows of my life
For without the lows
I could not know the joys of this earth

As your miracle in motion I hope
I will be able to serve you as I am called to do
Thank you for helping me find real love
As your miracle in motion
I owe you everything
so do with me what you wish father

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

True Love

We spend our lives searching for true love but,
when we can't seem to find our definition of
what we believe true love to be
 We tend to give up
Even though our hearts seem to scream "don't give up!"
we try to stifle the voice inside and
we think true love is just a dream we will never reach
Take it for me a woman who's been on the same search and
in the end suffered the same disappointment
Now I see that disappointment as a blessing because
One day we'll all know the truth
The truth some like me already know 
I'm here to tell you true love does exist
Not in the form of a mortal man who makes mistakes but,
in the form of a man who paid the ultimate price
of dying for our sins
If that's not true love then
I don't know what is