Thursday, December 31, 2015


She just got a little piece of great news
Upon its announcement excitement
 courses through her being and
she begins dreaming,
something she hasn't dared to let herself do for so long
 She didn't want to watch her dreams like glass
shatter in front of her as some have done before

Though the news was great
a recent dream didn't work out the way she hoped it would
Maybe it wasn't meant to be at this point in time but
her dream may still come true when the time is right

Now she has learned if the dreams she has do fall apart
it doesn't mean she has to give up
The questions she finds herself now
pondering on a frequent basis are
What is possible?
Is this His plan?

She has the drive to work hard and
yes, she will continue dreaming
After all isn't dreaming where the seeds
of everything begin to grow?

Not A Victim

Yes, she may have been dealt a bad hand
at times but
she is not a victim and
never will be as long as
God has His hands upon her life
She doesn't want people to feel sorry for her and
she never has

Please save your sorrow for someone
who truly deserves it
She's not a victim
Instead, she's a strong believer that
what doesn't kill her only makes her stronger

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Through The Eyes

She sits here wondering how she got so lucky
not only once but twice in her life
What did she do to deserve a love as endless as this?
She's been looking for a sign that the mother
she will always and forever love is still with her

Who would've thought she'd see a mother's love
A love so patient and kind
reflected a second time through the eyes of someone she least expected?
It's this love she has seen through the eyes of two women she admires that has
inspired her to work hard to achieve the goals she once only dreamed of

To the mother she loves thank you for
the hand she knows you had in bringing this source of
light, inspiration and positive energy into her life
She will continue striving to be a better person
because she knows you would expect nothing less

To the woman who's eyes
 reflect her mother's love back at her
Where does she begin?
Thank you for everything you've done to inspire her to
change in so many positive ways
She hopes you know a piece of her heart will always and forever
belong to you
for this reason and so many more
she wants you to know she truly loves you


Another new year is upon us but,
before she leaps into it,
 she'd like to take a few minutes to reflect
on the blessings God has given her this past year
Don't get  her wrong she's seen her share of
heartbreak and pain but,
she's learned even heartbreak and pain are blessings
She's as grateful for the pain as she is
for the times of joy

He's inspired her by sending her someone
who wants the same things they both want for her
She's seen a light in her spirit she hasn't seen in a few years and
to be honest she thought it had been extinguished forever
She's glad He knew different

She knows she's got many months of hard work ahead  but,
He's given her the will to climb the mountains
she wants to
She is a fighter through and through
She hopes the inspiration that has carried her through
the past twelve months
will carry her through the next year
She is holding onto the hope that this coming year
is her year

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Lost In The Dark

She's not going to say she's sorry for your loss because
she knows it sounds so cliché  at this point in time
She knows if you hear one more I'm sorry you might just fall apart
Allow yourself time to feel your emotions as they come and go
let those you love help in any way they can

She's been lost in the dark before
She knows the questions that must be running through your mind
Why me lord?
How much more heartache must I endure?
In the dead of night when you feel alone
 just remember to pray

One day you'll see the light again
realizing as she did
He brought you through this
healing your heart in the past
He will find you and heal you once again
This will happen all in His time
so my dear be patient and hold on

The Girl I Used to Know

Dear the girl I used to know,
You had a sparkle in your eye that
rivaled the sun's brightness and breathtaking beauty
You lived every day of the life God gave you to the fullest
hungry for the knowledge we are all so proud of you for learning

Now your life seems dark without
a ray of light for you to follow
Well, to the girl I used to know
I urge you to let your light shine
even if people try to steel it from you
Don't ever stop reaching out for help
I have faith someone will hear your call

My dear girl these bully's are jealous because
you have something they never will
Therefore they have to hide behind cell phones and text messages
picking on smart girls
like you to make themselves feel better
It's sad I know that those you thought were your friends
are hurting you like they are but, people like this don't deserve your friendship

I pray one day the scars you carry
in that beautiful heart of yours will heal
In the end I hope this only makes you stronger
so you can move on putting this behind you

Monday, January 19, 2015

Someone's Everything

Lord I come to you this morning wondering why I feel this way
my heart drenched in turmoil
While I know your love should be enough,
for better or worse my heart wants more
We've been here more times than I can count

He says he loves me yet,
I wonder if he knows what it's like
 to be someone's everything
I have this heart full of love and
all I want to do is to share it

If he's not someone's everything why does my heart
keep trying to make us work?
Should I just let us go for good?
I love him but,
the one question I keep asking myself is,
Is our love enough this time?