Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Bathed In Gold

As I pray to you in thanks
for answering prayers regarding questions I’ve needed answers to for some time 
I realize I’m bathed in gold 
What if the gold I find myself bathed in is a sunset signaling the end of something?

On the other hand what is the gold surrounding me is a sunrise?
it is a sunset I know the person I’ll have to end things with will be hurt

I pray that your spirit will give him comfort when he’ll need it
If this gold is a sunrise I know I will find true happiness because you chose me to walk this narrow road
I need you to know I am in forever will be grateful for this opportunity you are affording me

Lavender Angel

 She's beautiful
She's clothed in lavender flowing Satin
Where is she from?
No one knows
Lavender angel, would you do her the honor of being her guardian?
You will always be the guardian she strives to be one day

The Real Me

I don’t see the woman everyone else sees when I look in the mirror
I see a woman Who is trying to right the wrongs of her past
It doesn’t happen overnight I wish oh how I wish all my wrongs could be made right in the span of one night
Some tell me I am in inspiration
The moment I hear those words the real me the woman inside
Cries silently what do you see that I can’t?
I carry guilt but I feel I have apologize over and over again for
It’s still here though
I can feel it lift slightly at times but at times it seems to come back twofold
I try so hard to believe 
it will someday get better 
The real me can’t let go

A Reflection Of Your Light

I see  her as a reflection of your light 
There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think of you and by extension think of her
Thank you so much for making her such an inspiring part of my life
When I first started this journey I had no idea where it might take me but I want nothing more than to one day inspire others just as she’s done for me by teaching the truth 
Your word tells me this journey will not be an easy one

As I have seen since you began and continue to draw me closer to you but I know because of her you’ve made my journey a little bit easier
Even though we are only able to spend a small amount of time togetherness

Those small moments make all the difference
My spiritual sister, teacher and friend 
I just want you to know what an honor it is to have you in my life
I Love you more than words can say
haven’t said it lately, thank you so much for being a reflection of his light