Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Bathed In Gold

As I pray to you in thanks
for answering prayers regarding questions I’ve needed answers to for some time 
I realize I’m bathed in gold 
What if the gold I find myself bathed in is a sunset signaling the end of something?

On the other hand what is the gold surrounding me is a sunrise?
it is a sunset I know the person I’ll have to end things with will be hurt

I pray that your spirit will give him comfort when he’ll need it
If this gold is a sunrise I know I will find true happiness because you chose me to walk this narrow road
I need you to know I am in forever will be grateful for this opportunity you are affording me

Lavender Angel

 She's beautiful
She's clothed in lavender flowing Satin
Where is she from?
No one knows
Lavender angel, would you do her the honor of being her guardian?
You will always be the guardian she strives to be one day

The Real Me

I don’t see the woman everyone else sees when I look in the mirror
I see a woman Who is trying to right the wrongs of her past
It doesn’t happen overnight I wish oh how I wish all my wrongs could be made right in the span of one night
Some tell me I am in inspiration
The moment I hear those words the real me the woman inside
Cries silently what do you see that I can’t?
I carry guilt but I feel I have apologize over and over again for
It’s still here though
I can feel it lift slightly at times but at times it seems to come back twofold
I try so hard to believe 
it will someday get better 
The real me can’t let go

A Reflection Of Your Light

I see  her as a reflection of your light 
There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think of you and by extension think of her
Thank you so much for making her such an inspiring part of my life
When I first started this journey I had no idea where it might take me but I want nothing more than to one day inspire others just as she’s done for me by teaching the truth 
Your word tells me this journey will not be an easy one

As I have seen since you began and continue to draw me closer to you but I know because of her you’ve made my journey a little bit easier
Even though we are only able to spend a small amount of time togetherness

Those small moments make all the difference
My spiritual sister, teacher and friend 
I just want you to know what an honor it is to have you in my life
I Love you more than words can say
haven’t said it lately, thank you so much for being a reflection of his light

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Camp Fire

Sitting in front of a camp fire on a late summer night 

brings back childhood memories 

The sweet smell of roasted marshmallows find me as a six year old jumping for joy

Sparks fly exploding in embers of red, orange and yellow

Then my favorite camp fire songs play on a loop in my head 

I want to dance until I can’t dance anymore  

Friday, September 4, 2020


Here I stand at a crossroads between two opposing views

Two paths to follow,

one choice to make

If I follow the path of least resistance knowing I will have made a choice for this world which doesn’t include you

I don’t want to choose this world

It’s too full of heartbreak pain and suffering

Pain and suffering of our own making

Choosing the road you are standing at the end of means

I have to give up on someone who at one time meant a lot to me

At this point I’m willing to do what it takes to prove that I love you no matter what it takes and what it means for the relationships i’ve cultivating with people of this world

I beg you Jehovah please help me in the world these trials

At the end of which I promise I’ll do what it takes to be standing on your side

Friday, August 28, 2020


We shouldn’t be doing this

this thing we know is wrong

 To you it was just sex where as you became my whole world

I held on to every little word you said as if it were life’s breath

Hush you said if our secret gets you could potentially lose it all

Your career, your wife, your home and your children

I loved you enough to keep it buried for as long as my conscience would let me

Hush you said as you slowly and methodically raped me of the belief that anyone would believe the story I’d tell if I ever broke my silence 

You raped me of my ability to believe in myself leaving physical scars in your path

Sill by this time deep pain had already formed none of which will be healed completely in this lifetime though I know Will be healed in the next

Hush angel faced devil I didn’t betray you

It was you whom betrayed me

Yet today I sit here hoping you take the opportunity to be a better friend, man and husband to those who love you 

I waver between wanting forgive you while still hating the actions you took against me time and again 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Love Letters

Sweet Sentiments of love make lovers hearts skip a beat or two
Written on flowery pages of which everyone creams to get at one time or another
The professions of love found in love letters can leave a legacy of beauty mixed with a little bit of sacrifice passed down from generation to generation
Love letters are a sign that true love still exist in this world today

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Puppy Love

Oh mommy look, gottta have it, Gotta have it I do
Oh please don’t you want the best for me?
All I want is to cuddle with you
I’ll keep you warm on a cold night
I promise I’ll always be there for you
Giving you all the puppy love you could imagine
How can you deny was cute face?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Need For Speed

If I were able to drive
I'd go tearing down a dirt road leaving trails of sand frying and swirling behind
My need for speed would give me a sense of freedom I've never had before
How I'd love the awesome of this beauty
I'd love to drive!

Beautifully Strong

Her character Game of Thrones Mother of Dragons Daenerys of the house Targaryen is the very definition of beautifully strong to me
She not only has great outer beauty her character possesses a huge heart full of love for those who are less fortunate then herself
When I first began watching the series I could relate to some of her character's struggles
I even found myself wondering if the show's creators would grant her character her very own spin-off

I find myself wishing  more television shows would create female roles as strong as hers
I know these roles would go against everything society teaches us but we need to start believing our roles as women are just as important as men's roles are

As for your character Daenerys Targaryen
I just learned there are rumors of your unfortunate end
I must admit this saddens me
You my dear were one of the reasons I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat to see every week
May you always remain beautifully strong

A Beautiful Mess

She stands on the battleground of right and wrong daily
Mistakes have been made
Hearts needlessly broken for which a high price has been paid

She’s trying with all her might 
to make a change for the better
It hasn’t been an easy journey nor was she expecting it to bePlease excuse the beautiful mess you hear pouring her heart out to you 
She wants nothing more  than give you her life and to be used according to your will and not her own
I’m sorry to be handing this beautiful mess over to you but 
I realize I need you more than ever and I always have been yours but
I couldn’t see it clearly until now
For this I am and always will be humbly grateful

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Little One

I just got the news of your impending arrival 
I wish your mother would’ve waited until she had a little more life experience 
I’ve known your mom since she was three years old 
Trust me she has one of the biggest heart of anyone you’ll ever meet 
You are a blessing

I pray you become the peacemaker of your family
Little one events like your birth only happen In Gods time 
It’s your time and you only get one shot
So make it count while you can
Dream as many dreams trying to make them all come true

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Light Of Love

I've been where pain lives
Night so dark I couldn’t see a light even if it was right in front of me
You’ve been patiently waiting as long as I needed before taking my hand
holding on tight enough to remind me
this world cannot take me from your grasp

For about three years
you’ve been showing me how to be a light of love
 I only pray I'm showing this light of love the way you envisioned for me to
I wish to leave this world a better place than it was when I first arived here
It has been an honor and a privilege to carry and continue to carry this precious possession called a light of love with me
Shining it wherever it is needed

To An Angel Named Anya

 To an angel named Anya I know we only met in person once, but sometimes one meeting is all it takes to know you carried a light within you that was greater than anything I’d seen before or since You inspired so many including me So beautiful Inside and out I pray your spirit will surround your family in the love and peace you are now resting in during this time and throughout all of their lives To an angel named Anya thank you for providing so much inspiration into my life I hope one day you’ll be there to lead me into Heaven Until I see you again

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Fire’s Warmth

The fire’s warmth privided an escape from this journey of uncertainty we are now all on The fire’s warmth reminded me of the spirit of faith which burns deep within me I can’t let the spirit of fear distract me from finding the purpose of my life I know our world is filled with uncertainty at this time, but please don’t forget the we are all here for such a time as this

Friday, March 6, 2020

She Whom Bares Her Soul

She lets vulnerability seldom appear Why open yourself up to heart stopping fear? In the Silence of night she bares her soul good bad beautiful in dark all fight for desperate release Then she is able to find serenity and peace

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Strong Enough

She was told she didn’t owe him anything therefore, there was nothing left to say What they didn’t know was, she vowed to protect others from the pain he inflicted upon her She showed up to prove to him, she had overcome the label he tried to place upon her She never realized the volumes silence speaks, until she chose not to fill it with words She wasn’t sure She really meant Now she knows she’s strong enough to face any Goliath God places in front of her Thank you Lord for believing in the warrior inside me Even when it was hard for me to believe in her myself I will leave my past behind taking only the valuable lessons You taught this child of yours