Monday, June 24, 2019


You wait awhile then you ask me if I'm mad at you
Honestly, I'm not mad at you I'm just being quiet because I've got a lot on my mind
Trust me and has nothing to do with you
Why do you take everything so personal?
I don't ask her details you don't feel comfortable giving me so why do you do it to me?

Why are you so insecure?
There's no rule that says I have to talk to you about everything I'm going through
You know trust is a big issue with me, how do I know you'll keep when I tell you between the two of us?
Especially since you've revealed information I didn't want out there

If I'm quiet just give me a minute or two together my thoughts
I know you're there if I need to talk please just allow me to come to you when I feel it is right to do so

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